“I cannot live without
brainwork. What else is there to live for?...What is the use of having powers,
Doctor, when one has no field upon which to exert them?”
--Sherlock Holmes, The Sign of Four
Leigh: When we first started planning this project, we tossed around the idea of reviewing stories that inspired episodes of Elementary, if the writers and producers decided to go that route and since they didn’t we decided to just go in chronological order. I think this worked out better than we thought it might.
beginning of The Sign of the Four
shows the audience what an addict looks like. Not because Holmes is taking
heavy drugs multiple times a day, but because he’s doing so because he’s going
through withdrawals from not having a case in such a long time. When he’s
finally presented with a case, he leans forward with eyes glistening on Miss
Morstan as she explains the case. This implied hunger is how an addict would
act when presented with drugs that he’s craving. I think this scene is possibly
the best scene to describe Holmes’ personality. In fact, the whole first
chapter is a fantastic example of what Holmes is capable of and why he does
what he does. This is where we get the famous pocket watch scene that was
adapted so well by BBC’s Sherlock but
with a cell phone. This is where we get the famous quote, “Eliminate all
other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth.” And the not so
famous but still important quote, [Guessing] is a shocking habit – destructive
to the logical faculty.”
Of all the
Holmes stories, this one might be my favorite. It shows Holmes’ true character
the best, I think and it has everything that one could want in a story. It has
action, adventure, foreign lands, mysterious murders and romance even if it is
Victorian and very stiff and proper. It also shows Watson’s character. He isn’t
the bumbling idiot that’s so often portrayed in media, but the intelligent,
brave, loyal muscle that Holmes often needs to complete a case. Sure, there are
plenty of stories where Holmes goes off on his adventure and then comes back
and tells Watson the story up to the climax of the adventure which often is
resolved in their sitting room. But it is cases like this one that show
Watson’s importance to Holmes’ overall approach. The audience sees that Watson
is important and not just there to fill the roll of asking questions the
audience would ask. He learns how to make observations much in the style of
Holmes and not only is he not afraid to shoot a gun but he’s damn good at it
I think
this story also brings up a very important argument that I hope to touch more
on when we discuss “A Scandal in Bohemia”. On page 75 (the public domain
version from Project Gutenberg that is on my Kindle because that’s what version
you’re using right? Good.) Holmes says that women aren’t to be trusted. "I
would not tell them too much," said Holmes. "Women are never to be
entirely trusted,—not the best of them." Watson doesn’t have time to
respond because he has to go see a pretty lady, but his immediate response is
that this statement is “atrocious.” Some people think that Holmes is Arthur
Conan Doyle but the reality is that Watson is more Doyle than any other
character. Former military – check. Doctor – check. Scottish – possibly
depending on how deep you look into things. I think it is really important to
think of Holmes as a wholly made up character that has taken life in media and
Watson is more of a Mary Sue character or Doyle just wanting to go on some awesome
adventures. Because of this though, we see that Holmes is sexist/stating the
ideas of the time where as Watson/Doyle are really more progressive and hold
women in a better light than Holmes does. Again, this is something that I’ll
probably babble about a lot once we get to “Scandal” which battles this one as
my favorite.
So Austin,
what do you think? This was your first time reading it, what did you
like/dislike? Is this a great example of serialized stories in magazines or is
it a great mystery? And what was up with Tonga?
Austin: This was my first time reading this. I swear,
this won't be the case when we get to The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,
which I read a few times as a kid. Right away, this was a big upgrade from A
Study in Scarlet. It's just so clear that Doyle had a better idea of what
he could accomplish with this series. Sure we still have a 20 page tangent
adventure, but even then it's a story being told to Watson and Sherlock that
was full of thrills and exotic locales.
I love seeing Sherlock as an addict. Even though it's so easy to
trust Sherlock in all of his antics, Watson does pose a bit of concern in the
first page, even if it is very passive. In many ways, he's adopting Sherlock's
powers of observation but doesn't do anything with the data he acquires. He
still has to ask to figure out what is going on in his own house.
I know a lot of people like to read into that line about Sherlock
and women. To me, Watson didn't ask the important follow up question: "Are
men to be trusted?" For I believe that Sherlock would answer very
similarly. Having this woman client, to me, doesn't play up the sexuality of
the characters but the humanity. I found it very sweet Watson holding her hand
when things became scary, but really it shows the human factor not present in
Holmes. Sherlock sees his clients as pieces of data, while Watson finds someone
in danger. Most mystery authors will take Watson's willingness to believe in
her as foreshadowing to a reversal in Mary's loyalty. (This is what happens when
you read too many noir novels.) Yet as the story plays out and Watson is now a
"husband in prospective", you can see trusting and carrying in people
pays off in a way the cold calculation doesn't. The last page is rather sad as
Sherlock can't process the information of Watson being engaged and all he has
left is his cocaine.
Ultimately I think this is a great mystery and I forgot this was
serialized until this email. It works better as a whole because you get the
really funny double punch of a chapter ending with " "This, Miss
Morstan, is Pondicherry Lodge," said Mr. Thaddeus Sholto as he handed her
out. " Then the next chapter title is The Tragedy at Pondicherry
Lodge. A low-key chapter ending becomes more sinister with the next words.
I think I
used up my word count so I'm going to cheat and throw this back to you.
Seriously what is up with Tonga? Also did you imagine an animated dog during
the Toby sequence? I did.
Leigh: Yes, India is much more exotic than Utah. I think everyone can agree
to that.
I think
Sherlock Holmes as an addict might be a great example of one of the first
anti-heroes. I don’t know a lot about literature before this time so I could be
making a wildly inappropriate hypothesis here. We know he’s smart, we know he’s
good, we know he’s doing right by us but he has this problem and it isn’t
really a small problem. Three times a day for a few months? That’s a full-blown
addiction. Yet the reader never once is given the opportunity or the choice to
stop believing in him. We are given this fact and then the story starts. And
then the as the story concludes, the audience is left with not particularly a
happy ending. Holmes is depressed as soon as the case ends and immediately
starts drugs. This almost seems like a passive aggressive evil ex kind of way
to get you to read the next book.
I think
that follow up question, “Are men to be trusted?” is one of the best missed
opportunities for a discussion on sexual equality in the Victorian era. I’m
glad you brought up the “humanity” in Watson that is lacking in Holmes. Another
great quote from this book is “You really are an automaton, a calculating
machine… There is something positively inhuman in you at times.” Watson saying
this about Holmes is one of the best indications that Holmes tended to be as
warm and inviting as Antarctica. The compassion we get from Watson then shows
the reader another fault with Holmes and that he isn’t all he’s cracked up to
be and YET, we still follow him. He gives his Holmesian reasoning behind his
lack of emotion and the audience fully believes it. Instead of hating this
character because he’s so coarse and seemingly mean, we go with him because
he’s intelligent and knows what he’s talking about. There are a couple other
scenes in the upcoming books that I’d like to talk about how Holmes just
doesn’t seem to get the emotional point to it, like the final scene you
tangent here but it has a point so bear with me.)
I have
been following the Mars Curiosity Rover mission for a while now. I saw the
projection of what it had to do to have a successful landing, I saw the models
of it, I saw pictures of it next to humans. I still think of it as WALL-E.
Every time the Curiosity Rover posts a new picture or gif of what it
accomplished that day (because of course I follow it on Twitter, what am I, a
poseur?) I just imagine WALL-E doing it. So did I imagine an animated dog
during the Toby sequence? Of course.
really a mixture of this one
And this
points if you can name the movies I stole these from.
Austin, why are we following this bastard drug addict around? And what about
that room being locked? Is this a common theme in mystery novels? [ya see what
I did there?] And seriously, WHAT is up with Tonga?
Austin: Your
pictures haunt me. Not the Overly Attached Girlfriend, but your complete
mislabeling of Toby. I'm recalling Toby from The Great Mouse Detective,
who lives at 221B Baker Street!
![]() |
If you're not imagining Henry Mancini's score when you look at this, you're not a true fan. |
That is the right image to have during the awesome chase of scents!
I saw what you did there! Yes rooms do tend to be locked in
mysteries! In fact that subgenre of mysteries is one of my favorites.
Especially when reading a mystery, often times the scope seems too big to think
I'm able to solve it. The world is too large to see all of the clues. Yet when
you just have a single room to work out the mechanics, it's more
tangible--especially because it makes it more difficult. The room becomes a
puzzle to figure out how a crime could have even been committed. Holmes and
Watson going through all of the different options was one of the highlights of
this story for me. You saw a lot more of these stories earlier in the genre
with guys like John Dickson Carr. I guess it's just harder to properly lock
someone in a room nowadays.
Anywho, This was the last longer form of Sherlock Holmes we're going
to read for awhile. Next week we'll venture into the collection The
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Also I'm going to warn everyone that our Elementary review will not be up as fast
as the pilot. We don't have screener copies of the episodes. (Don't know why).
So we'll start our discussion as soon as we see it. Yet this week makes it
especially difficult since I will be at BoucherCon, the world's largest mystery
convention. If you're there, stop by the Mystery Company table! You can even
pick up my latest book, Organizing
Crime Classics, which is a guide for all of the classic mystery series
including Sherlock Holmes! What? I'm acting like too much of a whore? Fine,
I'll wrap it up.
Leigh Montano with the last word.
Leigh: Tonga!
You two are far too obsessed with Tonga. I'm also willing to wager on Holmes being the first antihero. We really can't help but follow him. In a way, Doyle makes Watsons of us all. We humanize Holmes in our minds by forgiving his faults and excesses; we balance out his coldness and calculations by noting the little moments of warmth and companionship, and highlighting those little things all the more.
ReplyDeleteNow you're going to make me go back and read the damn thing so I can figure out this Tonga business.